City of Watsonville Landfill Phase IV Module 1 Liner & GWPS

Hushmand Associates, Inc. (HAI) provided comprehensive Construction Quality Assurance (CQA) services for the Phase IV Module 1 Liner and Groundwater Protection System (GWPS) for the City of Watsonville Landfill in Santa Cruz County, California. The cell area is approximately 7 acres. The project included subgrade preparation, compacted clay liner, geosynthetic clay liner (GCL) installation, and 40-mil and 60-mil high-density polyethylene (HDPE) geomembrane deployment, a LCRS gravel layer with a network of HDPE drainage pipes, a protective soil cover, and sump. HAI was tasked with monitoring, sampling, testing, and documenting construction activities and materials to ensure compliance with specifications and quality work.