Paramount Refinery

The goal of the ongoing Renewable Fuels Conversion Project is to convert the over 90-year old Paramount Refinery into the world’s first and North America’s only commercial-scale sustainable aviation fuel production site. The $2 billion project promises to yield 340 gallons of annual capacity, will integrate innovative renewable feedstocks, breakthrough production technology, and networked pipeline distribution to enable clean local ground and air transportation. HAI provided investigative services during the pre-construction phase consisting of geophysical surveying and hydrotrenching sections to effectively map existing underground utilities and structures. In addition, exploratory soil borings along with field and laboratory testing were conducted to provide geotechnical and foundation design recommendations for the project. HAI provided inspection services during the installation of nearly 1,000 piles and for foundations of hundreds of miscellaneous support structures, berms, access roads, and laboratory buildings.